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"Unexpected insertion". But higher penalties for employers

"Unexpected insertion". But higher penalties for employers
  • The Sejm has tightened penalties for employers for violating labor law
  • The maximum fines for non-payment of wages have been increased to PLN 60,000
  • The Labor Market Act extends support from labor offices to economically inactive people and increases the remuneration for socially useful work to over PLN 30 per hour
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As "Rzeczpospolita" recalls, the Sejm has adopted a law providing for higher penalties for employers for violating labor law provisions, including non-payment of wages.

The changes provide for fines of up to PLN 60,000 for failure to pay wages for at least three months, which is related to violating the employee's right to remuneration. In addition to the fine, a penalty of restriction of liberty may be imposed.

- This follows from the amendment submitted by the Left MPs during the second reading of the draft act on the conditions for the admissibility of entrusting work to foreigners on the territory of the Republic of Poland - the newspaper writes.

"Rzeczpospolita" calls the amendment in the title "an unexpected parliamentary insert".

The amount of fines for other offences against employee rights has also been increased, such as entering into civil law contracts instead of employment contracts, failure to obtain written confirmation of the employment contract before admitting the employee to work, imposing disciplinary penalties that are inconsistent with the regulations, violating the regulations on working time, rights related to parenthood and employment of minors. In such cases, the fine may range from PLN 3,000 to PLN 50,000 - now it is from PLN 1,000 to PLN 30,000.

The same fine, from PLN 3,000 to PLN 50,000, will apply for failure to pay wages on time or their unjustified reduction - currently, these are also amounts from PLN 1,000 to PLN 30,000.

The DiLO card may also be issued in hospitals in cases of suspected cancer.
More than PLN 30 per hour of socially useful work

The Sejm also passed an act on the labor market and employment services, which is to replace the previous act on employment promotion and labor market institutions. The new regulations expand the group of clients of labor offices to include economically inactive people. People performing socially useful work will receive remuneration in the amount of over PLN 30 per hour.

The regulations also introduced changes regarding employment agencies aimed at increasing the safety of clients, and facilitated access to the National Training Fund for people running sole proprietorships and working under civil law contracts.

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